
Represents the DOM in memory. Provides functions to parse documents and access individual elements (see simple_html_dom_node).

Public Properties

Property Description
root Root node of the document.
nodes List of top-level nodes in the document.
callback Callback function that is called for each element in the DOM when generating outertext.
lowercase If enabled, all tag names are converted to lowercase when parsing documents.
original_size Original document size in bytes.
size Current document size in bytes.
_charset Charset of the original document.
_target_charset Target charset for the current document.
default_span_text Text to return for <span> elements.

Protected Properties

Property Description
pos Current parsing position within doc.
doc The original document.
char Character at position pos in doc.
cursor Current element cursor in the document.
parent Parent element node.
noise Noise from the original document (i.e. scripts, comments, etc...).
token_blank Tokens that are considered whitespace in HTML.
token_equal Tokens to identify the equal sign for attributes, stopping either at the closing tag ("/" i.e. <html />) or the end of an opening tag (">" i.e. <html>).
token_slash Tokens to identify the end of a tag name. A tag name either ends on the ending slash ("/" i.e. <html/>) or whitespace ("\s\r\n\t").
token_attr Tokens to identify the end of an attribute.
default_br_text Text to return for <br> elements.
self_closing_tags A list of tag names where the closing tag is omitted.
block_tags A list of tag names where remaining unclosed tags are forcibly closed.
optional_closing_tags A list of tag names where the closing tag can be omitted.