The parser allows you to add new elements to an existing document. Find below an example for that.


  • It is not possible to create nodes via ->outertext, ->innertext, or ->plaintext. These properties only change the text representation of a node and will return undesired results if used incorrectly.
  • Use $html->createElement and $html->createTextNode to create new nodes.
  • Use $node->appendChild to add a node as child to another node.
  • Nodes can be combined in any order.



// This example illustrates adding new elements to the DOM.

require_once 'simple_html_dom.php';

/***************************** table data *************************************/

$header = array('Ocean', 'Volume (km^3)');

$data = array(
    array('Arctic Ocean', 18750000),
    array('Atlantic Ocean', 310410900),
    array('Indian Ocean', 264000000),
    array('Pacific Ocean', 660000000),
    array('Souce China Sea', 9880000),
    array('Southern Ocean', 71800000)

/***************************** template ***************************************/

$doc = <<<EOD
table { border: 1px solid black; }

tr:nth-child(even)  { background: #CCC }
tr:nth-child(odd)   { background: #FFF }
    <h1>Volumes of the World's Oceans</h1>

/***************************** code *******************************************/

$html = str_get_html($doc);
$body = $html->find('body', 0);
$table = $html->createElement('table');

// Header row
$tr = $html->createElement('tr');
foreach ($header as $entry) {
    $th = $html->createElement('th', $entry);

// Table data
foreach ($data as $row) {
    $tr = $html->createElement('tr');
    foreach ($row as $entry) {

        // (optional) Add info to the volume column
        if (is_numeric($entry)) {
            $value = number_format($entry);
            $td = $html->createElement('td', $value);
            $td->setAttribute('volume', $entry);
        } else {
            $td = $html->createElement('td', $entry);



echo $html . PHP_EOL;

 * Output (beautified)
 * <html>
 * <head>
 *   <style>
 *     table { border: 1px solid black; }
 *     tr:nth-child(even)  { background: #CCC }
 *     tr:nth-child(odd)   { background: #FFF }
 *   </style>
 * </head>
 * <body>
 *   <h1>Volumes of the World's Oceans</h1>
 *   <table>
 *     <tr><th>Ocean</th><th>Volume (km^3)</th></tr>
 *     <tr><td>Arctic Ocean</td><td volume="18750000">18,750,000</td></tr>
 *     <tr><td>Atlantic Ocean</td><td volume="310410900">310,410,900</td></tr>
 *     <tr><td>Indian Ocean</td><td volume="264000000">264,000,000</td></tr>
 *     <tr><td>Pacific Ocean</td><td volume="660000000">660,000,000</td></tr>
 *     <tr><td>Souce China Sea</td><td volume="9880000">9,880,000</td></tr>
 *     <tr><td>Southern Ocean</td><td volume="71800000">71,800,000</td></tr>
 *   </table>
 * </body>
 * </html>