
__construct ( [ string $str = null [, bool $lowercase = true [, bool $forceTagsClosed = true [, string $target_charset = DEFAULT_TARGET_CHARSET [, bool $stripRN = true [, string $defaultBRText = DEFAULT_BR_TEXT [, string $defaultSpanText = DEFAULT_SPAN_TEXT [, int $options = 0 ]]]]]]]]) : object

Creates a new simple_html_dom object.

Parameter Description
str The HTML document string.
lowercase Tag names are parsed in lowercase letters if enabled.
forceTagsClosed Tags inside block tags are forcefully closed if the closing tag was omitted.
target_charset Defines the target charset for text returned by the parser.
stripRN Newline characters are replaced by whitespace if enabled.
defaultBRText Defines the default text to return for <br> elements.
defaultSpanText Defines the default text to return for <span> elements.
options Additional options for the parser. Currently supports 'HDOM_SMARTY_AS_TEXT' to remove Smarty scripts.

Returns the object.